Register for The Chat: The Capitol Theater project

Register for The Chat: The Capitol Theater project

For 40 years, the block where the Capitol Theater sits on Acushnet Avenue in the near North End of New Bedford has sat empty.

But thanks to an $11 million multi-year effort by the Community Economic Development Center, it will be rebuilt as an engine for economic opportunity.

Mayor Jon Mitchell and the City Council have endorsed a government-funded effort that will bring to the 91,000 square-foot building a CEDC headquarters, community bank, community health center, six low-income apartments, business incubator and possible recreational space.

Join Jack Spillane as he hosts a virtual Chat to learn more about this effort on Thursday, May 23 at 6 p.m.

His guests will be CEDC director Corrin Williams and a panel of project designers that includes local architect, preservationist and environmentalist Kathryn Duff. EDC project director Elizabeth K. Murphy, deputy director Brian Pastori and Ward 2 Councilor Maria Giesta will also be on hand.

The Chat is free to attend virtually, but registration is required.

Register for The Chat

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