Almacenaba material de pornografía infantil en Google Drive: Fiscalía detuvo a un sujeto en Esmeraldas

Este jueves, 25 de julio de 2024, la Fiscalía General del Estado y la Policía Nacional ejecutaron un allanamiento a un domicilio de Esmeraldas, como parte de una investigación por presunta pornografía infantil.

Durante el operativo se detuvo a Jorge E., a quien en las próximas horas se le realizará la audiencia de formulación de cargos para resolver su situación jurídica.

  • Pediatra fue detenido en Pichincha por pornografía infantil: Esto encontraron las autoridades

Se trata de una indagación que inició en septiembre de 2023, por parte de la Unidad de Ciberdelitos de la Fiscalía. En esta se evidenció que desde Ecuador, un usuario habría utilizado la nube de almacenamiento de Google Drive para guardar material de abuso infantil, según reseña la entidad en sus redes sociales.

Además se dio a conocer que  esta alerta se emitió desde el National Center for Missing (Centro Nacional para Niños Desaparecidos y Explotados) de Estados Unidos. Esta entidad sin fines de lucro se encarga de reducir la explotación sexual infantil y evitar que los menores de edad sean las víctimas.

#ATENCIÓN | #Esmeraldas: en el marco de una investigación por presunta #pornografíainfantil, #FiscalíaEc y @PoliciaEcuador allanaron hoy un inmueble, donde se ejecutó la orden de detención de Jorge E. En las próximas horas se resolverá su situación jurídica.

— Fiscalía Ecuador (@FiscaliaEcuador) July 25, 2024


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Masivo siniestro de tránsito mantiene cerrada la Ruta Viva e Intervalles en Quito (IMÁGENES)

Un aparatoso siniestro de tránsito ocurrió la mañana de este jueves, 25 de julio  de 2024 en la Ruta Viva e Intervalles, en el sector de Cumbayá. De acuerdo con el reporte del Servicio Integrado de Seguridad ECU 911, la llamada de alerta ingresó a las 09:38.

El Cuerpo de Bomberos acudió a la emergencia que involucra a unos seis vehículos livianos, dos camiones y una motocicleta. En redes sociales se difundieron imágenes del hecho en el que se observa la magnitud del masivo siniestro.

Varios autos quedaron destrozados en pleno puente, de la misma forma los camiones, cuyo contenido quedó esparcido por la calzada. Absolutamente todos los carriles de la Ruta Viva e Intervalles permanecen cerrados hasta atender el percance, según anunció la AMT.

De forma preliminar se dio a conocer que hay seis personas heridas y lamentablemente una fallecida, según cifras de los bomberos.

#AMTInforma | Nos encontramos en el punto 🚔👮🏽‍♀️ gestionando el tránsito vehicular y garantizando la seguridad vial de los ciudadanos que circulan por el sector.

🚗 Baja la velocidad, conduce con empatía.

— AMTQuito (@AMT_Quito) July 25, 2024

Cierres viales por siniestro Ruta Viva

  • Ruta Viva, desde el Redondel de Lumbisí, sentido Quito-Puembo.
  • Av. Simón Bolívar y Ruta Viva, sentido Quito-Aeropuerto.
  • Escalón de Tumbaco y Ruta Viva, sentido Aeropuerto-Quito.  
  • Intervalles y Ruta Viva.


Un terrible accidente de Tránsito en la Ruta Viva a la altura de la vía “intervalles” en el valle de Cumbaya.
Un tráfico tenaz a ambos lados, manejen con cuidado
Un camión aparentemente perdió control y aplastó tres vehículos

— Esteban Ortiz (@EstebanOrtizMD) July 25, 2024

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BBQ Fest sparks back to life

The Flame BBQ Festival is set to reignite tastebuds in Jimboomba for the first time in two years.

The event will be a celebration of all things BBQ, including grilling, roasting and smoking.

Event organisers say this year’s feast, to be held on Saturday 21 September, will be “bigger, better and tastier” than before.

Hosted at Jimboomba Park, the festival will feature a variety of country stalls and activities.

This includes live entertainment – rock and country music, eating competitions and other acts – camping market stalls, and plenty of food and drink.

Organisers are promising fire dancers and flame throwers, as well as a dedicated children’s zone with rides, activities, and child-friendly entertainment.

Tickets to the festival, which runs from 3-10pm, cost $15 for adults and are free for all children.

They will be made available for purchase via the 2024 Flame BBQ Festival Facebook events page.


The post BBQ Fest sparks back to life appeared first on MyCity Logan.


3-year-old Border Collie seeking forever home in S’pore, S$588 adoption fee applies

Border Collie named Doby up for adoption, described as ‘reserved’ & ‘gentle’

An adorable Border Collie named Doby is available for adoption in Singapore after being rescued from a “challenging situation”.

Source: Chained Dog Awareness in Singapore on Facebook

According to a Facebook post by Chained Dog Awareness in Singapore (CDAS) on Friday (26 July), the three-year-old dog was previously confined to an enclosure in a factory.

He is now being cared for in a foster home, where he has been for slightly over a week.

‘Reserved & gentle soul’ who is ‘well-behaved’

CDAS describes Doby as “a reserved and gentle soul” who is still trying to get used to his new environment.

border collie seeking home

Source: Chained Dog Awareness in Singapore on Facebook

The non-profit organisation added that as he gets to know his foster family better, he becomes more sociable and loves pets and attention.

However, he’s also perfectly happy just chilling in a corner without bothering anyone. What a Good Boy, indeed.

Breed is not HDB-approved

While Doby behaves well on a leash, he may be “reactive” towards other curious canines that approach him.

Therefore, CDAS highlights that it would be ideal for him to be the only dog in the home.

Potential adopters should note that Border Collies are not an HDB-approved breed, so CDAS is seeking “a family with ample space and an active lifestyle that can bring out the best” in Doby.

Source: Chained Dog Awareness in Singapore on Facebook

An adoption fee of S$588 also applies.

If you think you can give Doby the loving forever home he deserves, reach out to CDAS via its Facebook page.

Also read: Pair of 1-year-old rescue kittens from S’pore looking for forever home

Pair of 1-year-old rescue kittens from S’pore looking for forever home

Have news you must share? Get in touch with us via email at [email protected].

Featured image adapted from Chained Dog Awareness in Singapore on Facebook.

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Judge orders Bristol DA to reveal all New Bedford cases involving confidential informant

FALL RIVER — A judge has ordered the Bristol County District Attorney’s office to hand over all criminal cases it prosecuted that relied on a confidential informant who worked with the New Bedford Police Department. The judge ruled that a detective had engaged in “gross misconduct” by having a sexual relationship with the informant.

The informant, Carly Medeiros, was romantically and sexually involved with now-retired New Bedford police narcotics detective Jared Lucas, and also with two defendants in drug-trafficking cases, according to arguments filed in court. A third drug defendant’s case may also be affected by the order.

“A very short list was filed with the court, but the judge sealed it,” said Gregg Miliote, a spokesperson for Bristol County District Attorney Thomas Quinn III, by email. He did not provide more detail on how many cases amount to a “very short list.” 

The judge’s order, issued in May, was part of the 2019 drug case of Miguel Martinez. Bristol County Superior Court Judge Renee Dupuis dismissed Martinez’s case in June after allowing a motion to suppress the evidence obtained by New Bedford police through a search warrant. She ruled that Lucas’ “gross misconduct” with the informant had tainted the search-warrant process.

Martinez was indicted on charges of trafficking fentanyl and cocaine, and possession to distribute. He has a lengthy criminal record.

The Boston Globe first reported on the Martinez case dismissal, as well as Lucas’ misconduct in the drug case of Steven Ortiz; it described a “tawdry love triangle” between Lucas as detective, Medeiros as informant, and Ortiz as alleged drug dealer.

Counsel for Ortiz filed a motion to dismiss his charges in March due to “egregious misconduct,” citing Medeiros’ role as an informant and her relationship with Lucas, court records show. 

An NBPD squad car parked outside the New Bedford Police Department Headquarters. Credit: Eleonora Bianchi / The New Bedford Light

His attorney argued Lucas used “sex as a weapon” with Medeiros to investigate Ortiz. Medeiros did not respond to questions.

The motion is pending, with a hearing scheduled for next month. 

Last month, the Bristol DA’s office submitted its response to the judge’s order for the Martinez case, which called for all police reports and search warrants for cases in which Medeiros served as a confidential informant. It is unclear how many cases may be affected. 

Per the court docket, the material the DA’s office provided is under court seal. Judge Dupuis wrote on Jun. 25: “The court has reviewed the Commonwealth’s response … I have determined that no further action need be taken. The response … is hereby sealed.” 

Dupuis specified that counsel of another drug case be notified of her order to suppress evidence: a 2018 case against Rory A. Barrows, who was charged by New Bedford police with trafficking fentanyl, and ultimately found guilty. 

Barrows’ attorney, Kathryn Blythe, earlier this month said she is in the early stages of reviewing his case and talking with Barrows to see what steps, if any, he may want to take to litigate the issue. 

Blythe confirmed that Barrows’ case involved a search warrant and the use of a confidential informant by New Bedford police, but did not confirm the informant’s identity. She said Lucas’ name did not appear in initial reports. 

The relationship between Lucas and Medeiros lasted at least seven years, court filings state. Lucas retired from the New Bedford Police Department in 2021.  

New Bedford Police Chief Paul Oliveira did not respond to questions or a request for comment. 

“On the whole, the evidence indicates that Ms. Medeiros and Mr. Lucas engaged in mutual use of one another in order to achieve their goals,” wrote Dupuis in May. “It was gross misconduct for Mr. Lucas to have a sexual relationship with his informant … His disregard for police department policy regarding informants lacked the very integrity required for the search warrant process to maintain legitimacy.”

“Mr. Lucas deliberately withheld the true nature of his relationship with Ms. Medeiros and the fact that she was dating [Martinez] and trying to break off their relationship by getting him arrested,” the judge continued. 

Dupuis concluded that Lucas’ misconduct, as well as Medeiros’ “lack of reliability” as an informant, would have negated any finding of probable cause for Martinez, and as a result, the evidence must be suppressed from the since-dismissed case. 

The attorney representing Martinez, Brian Fahy, commended Dupuis’ decision. 

“When due process rights are violated, not only are the basic fundamental rights of the accused trampled upon, but on a larger scale, the public trust in law enforcement is shattered,” said Fahy in a statement. “The decision was important not only to my client, but arguably more important in efforts to further deter unethical or wrongful actions by law enforcement in the future.”  

Email Anastasia E. Lennon at [email protected]

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Tía destaca su origen guayaquileño por los 489 años de fundación de la ‘Perla del Pacífico’

En el marco de las fiestas julianas, que conmemoran los 489 años de fundación de la Perla del Pacífico, Almacenes Tía destaca su origen guayaquileño y su profundo vínculo con la urbe porteña, donde se instaló su primer local hace más de seis décadas.

Almacenes Tía fue fundada el 29 de noviembre de 1960 en Ecuador, bajo el innovador concepto de una cadena de tiendas que ofrecían productos de consumo hogareño y personal. Desde sus inicios, la empresa se ha especializado en brindar ofertas, temporadas y eventos únicos a través de una amplia cobertura nacional.

“Nuestro corazón es ecuatoriano y nacimos en la Perla del Pacífico. Desde nuestros inicios, en esta maravillosa ciudad, hemos trabajado incansablemente para ofrecer a nuestros clientes productos de calidad y un servicio excepcional. Celebrar los 489 años de Guayaquil es un honor y un recordatorio de nuestra trayectoria y compromiso con la comunidad local”, afirmó Noralva Rengifo, directora de Marketing de Almacenes Tía.

  • Almacenes Tía impulsa iniciativas de inclusión social y desarrollo: Conoce cuáles son

Actualmente, Tía y Más Ahorro tienen 92 tiendas a nivel de Guayaquil. Además, entre los 8 mil colaboradores que forman parte de la compañía, el 29% se encuentran localizados en la urbe porteña. Por otra parte, en los últimos años (desde 2020), la compañía ha invertido más de 18 millones de dólares, para impulsar su cobertura en la ciudad y llegar a más hogares guayaquileños. 

Su número de colaboradores asciende a 8.300 y es una cadena de 257 almacenes, ubicados en 22 provincias y 113 ciudades del país. Foto: Cortesía.

A lo largo de su historia, Tía ha crecido y evolucionado, pero siempre ha mantenido su esencia, identidad y compromiso con Guayaquil y el Ecuador. Por este motivo, en estas fiestas julianas, la empresa reafirma su dedicación a la ciudad y su gente, continuando con la misión de impulsar el desarrollo sostenible de sus comunidades y el bienestar de los guayaquileños. (PR)

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Onomichi Dockyard MD Visits HIP to Seal Partnership

The Managing Director of Onomichi Dockyard Company, Japan, and Director of Colombo Dockyard PLC (CDPLC), Kunio Kobatake, recently visited Hambantota International Port (HIP). This visit follows a newly signed agreement between CDPLC and the Hambantota International Port Group (HIPG) to construct a state-of-the-art ship repair workshop at the port.

Johnson Liu, Chief Representative of CM Group in Sri Lanka and CEO of HIPG, emphasised the strategic advantage of HIP’s location. “HIP’s position along the east-west routes of the Indian Ocean makes it an ideal site for developing and expanding ship repair services. The capacity to handle large volumes of repair work combined with CDPLC’s expertise will make this partnership a vital part of the port’s operations.”

CDPLC is investing approximately 1 million USD in a new afloat repair facility, strengthening its presence at HIP. Thimira S. Godakumbura, Managing Director of CDPLC, said, “Our collaboration with Hambantota International Port has been mutually beneficial. The port’s facilities allow us to offer advanced afloat repair services to a wide range of ships, including some of the largest ocean-going vessels. Our combined expertise, the port’s multipurpose capabilities, and experienced staff bode well for the future of our extended partnership. We anticipate a significant increase in business with the new state-of-the-art facility, ensuring that HIP becomes the premier destination for afloat repairs in the Indian Ocean region.”

CEO Johnson Liu added, “The new ship repair workshop will enhance our current services, further advancing HIP’s evolution into a fully multipurpose port. We eagerly await the completion of this project, which highlights HIPG’s commitment to operational excellence and economic growth within the maritime industry.”

During his visit, Kunio Kobatake inspected the site for the new afloat repair facility and expressed optimism about the partnership’s potential benefits for both parties. He was accompanied by CDPLC director Furukawa, Tech Advisor Nozaki, GM Ship Repair Services S.G. Senadheera, and Consultant Benny Fernando.

The CDPLC workshop is expected to reach completion in the second quarter of 2025. Apart from enhancing the port’s ship repair capacity and afloat repair capabilities, the new facility is anticipated to create numerous business opportunities for the local community involved in ship supplies.

From left to right: GM Ship Repair Business, S.G. Senadheera; Tech. Advisor, Nozaki; Director, Furukawa; MD Onomichi Dockyard, K. Kobatake; MD/CEO CDPLC, Thimira S Godakumbura; CEO HIPG, Johnson Liu; CEO HIPS, Capt.Ravi Jayawickreme; GM Commercial and Marketing HIPG, Lance Zuo; DGM Commercial and Marketing HIPG, Bindu Ranasinghe; Consultant Ship Repair Business CDPLC, Benny Fernando; AGM Port Investment Services HIPG, Lalith Ekanayake.

CEO of HIPG Johnson Liu, leads the inspection tour for Onomichi Japan MD Kunio Kobatake and CDPLC team


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Two ways of looking at DA Paul Walsh Jr.’s legacy

In the 1990s and early 2000s, New Bedford was a different place.

The grand old Irish-dominated political Machine was still muscular. It may have eventually lost the mayorship to Fred Kalisz, but it still controlled much of the City Council, most of the School Committee, the New Bedford Housing Authority and a bunch of minor boards and bureaucracies.

It wasn’t long before the ultimate New Bedford insiders enticed Kalisz himself to make peace with them, in the interest of what I’ll call New Bedford realpolitik.

Old Biff MacLean was no doubt the guy behind the scenes still pulling the levers and strings, but it was District Attorney Paul Walsh Jr., with his shock of white hair, Kelly green ties and all-around good looks, who was The Machine’s public face.

In fact, so powerful was The Machine in those days, that it actually tipped a Massachusetts gubernatorial election. 

In a 1998 news column, then Standard-Times editor Ken Hartnett wrote about a New Bedford political rally for Republican candidate Paul Cellucci. Celluci was running against Democrat Scott Harshbarger, who a few years earlier as attorney general had successfully prosecuted former state Sen. MacLean of Fairhaven. Harshbarger had indicted MacLean, a Democrat, on conflict-of-interest charges because he had profited from state contracts while in office. Harshbarger called it “a new era in prosecuting public corruption.”

“Payback is a ‘b—-,” as the cliche goes, and MacLean swung his New Bedford-based political operation into high gear on behalf of Cellucci. Walsh Jr., the son of legendarily powerful School Committee boss Paul Walsh Sr., was the master of ceremonies for the local Cellucci rally.

The rest is history, as they say. The South Coast voted for the Republican and Cellucci narrowly defeated Harshbarger.

The great heyday of The Machine, as they used to commonly call it in these parts, came to mind in recent weeks with the untimely passing of Paul Walsh Jr. at just 70 years of age.

The charming and ever-unapologetic former DA had been out of office for some 16 years, having lost in a 2006 upset to one of his former assistant DAs, the ever-ambitious Sam Sutter. By all reports, Walsh was just a shadow of his charismatic self by the time he passed. Still, his death seems, in some respects, like the beginning of a drawdown of the curtain for an era when the great Irish-American diaspora controlled so much of New Bedford politics this past half century.

At Walsh’s funeral Mass a week ago Saturday, there was no evidence of MacLean, now 90. And MacLean’s man in New Bedford, John Saunders, was way off in a side pew. Mayor Jon Mitchell, another Walsh fan, was off to another side. Former Mayor Scott Lang, always careful to maintain communication with some elements of The Machine, was in a very last row.

I liked Paul Walsh Jr. He was personally charming and always courteous. I did not, however, like Walsh’s clannish approach to politics in which connection often trumped merit. I certainly did not like Walsh’s inability to better stem the violence associated with the rampant illegal drug economy of his era.

No, I liked Paul Walsh Jr. because he was affable and good-natured. Always professional, he understood politics was not bean-bag and actually had a philosophical attitude about the game. His sense of blarney and affinity for mischief grew out of the same Irish culture that I myself was raised in, and count myself as a member to this day. I am of Walsh’s Celtic DNA, though not his politics.

At St. Lawrence Martyr Church a week ago Saturday, they had a time for Paul. There had been no Irish wake — perhaps due to his unorthodox personal life — just instructions for everyone to show up in green for a week-delayed Mass of Resurrection. The storytelling took place later at the Wamsutta Club.

Paul Walsh Jr. Credit: Contributed

The endearing service included big green banners at the front of the Church (it was by good luck the green liturgical season in the Catholic Church) and the Irish national flag was at half staff in place of the Vatican flag that usually flies just outside St. Lawrence. This grandest of West End churches was literally built by the sweat and tenacious devotion of the city’s first Irish immigrants, and Paul Walsh Jr. was as much a reflection of them as the green banners and his own green ties. 

They delayed the whole Walsh funeral until the weekend so that the broad swath of the New Bedford court and legal systems that he had once dominated could be there. And everything about his Mass was unusual, God love the good Father Michael Racine who went along with it all. He no doubt knows who it is that’s in the pews of the Whaling City Catholic Community.

Most odd of all was that the service kicked off with the eulogy, not the Mass itself. Anyone who knows Catholic funeral services knows that this is just not done. For years, the Church didn’t even like including secular-led eulogies at all, and isolated them as an afterthought after the Mass, like some second-tier, add-on.

None of that for Paul Walsh Jr. at St. Lawrence’s.

Pat Walsh, Paul Walsh’s first cousin and from all accounts, great buddy in his adventures of life, gave a eulogy along the lines of a traditional Hibernian tribute. Long and personal and funny. 

Pat, an assistant clerk magistrate at the district court, spoke off-the-cuff, telling wild story after wild story, about his seemingly always outrageous cousin. It was one of the most deeply affectionate talks I’ve ever heard, and whatever you think of Walsh Jr.’s politics, he was in some way a good man and from a noble background to elicit such love and pride from those close to him.

Don’t get me wrong, it was not all unmoored from reality.

Pat started off with his very own twist on the old joke about Irish mothers thinking their sons are Jesus.

He talked about having a dream the previous night in which he was at the pearly gates of heaven, and there to his jock delight were football and baseball stadiums, and also a basketball court, like the one Walsh Jr. had once excelled on at Holy Family High School.

“And there was a guy over there by himself,” Pat said. “He had a bright green tie and he had a long white, full-length fur coat. And he was shooting foul shots sideways. And I said to St. Peter, “Who’s that?” And he said, “That’s God, he thinks he’s Paul Walsh.”

The green ties and scarves in the pews broke up.

Anyone who ever knew Paul Walsh Jr. for five minutes immediately got the joke and the congregation roared and clapped. Like all good jokes, and this was a very good one, it captured truth but with a very light touch. The human condition.

I wish I could repeat all Pat’s great funny stories here but my editor would think I’ve gotten even more long-winded than usual, so I’ll just include two more that I think get at who Walsh Jr. was, and what his role was in recent New Bedford history.

Pat talked about a West End guy that the Walsh tough-guy teenagers once got in a rumble with, and to which Walsh later led a posse with his cousin for revenge. I couldn’t hear the guy’s name because of course I was at the very back of the church, and Pat, very understandably, didn’t want to return my call inquiring about it. Just as well.

Anyway, years later, now defense attorney Pat was representing this same low-level, now middle-aged, criminal type, and he was on the Superior Court steps when cousin Paul, the DA, showed up.

Pat says he told Paul that his familiar client was now 50 years old and had been clean and sober for over a year. 

The assistant DA was pushing for jail time, but Pat would just as soon keep him out of jail. Perhaps because he knew he wouldn’t make any progress there.

Paul Walsh Jr. told Pat to wait a minute and he went inside to talk to the assistant DA. He made the deal to get the guy probation, and then went back out to the steps to tell his old foe to not let him down.

The guy, whose name I’m sure a bunch of you know, didn’t let Walsh Jr. down, and Pat says he and Paul both went to his funeral years later.

Now, I’m of two minds about this story.

On the one hand, it gets at Paul Walsh Jr.’s very personal approach to justice. He depended on his trusted cousin and his knowledge of the alleged perpetrator and the individual circumstances to decide on whether to prosecute.

On the other hand, I know Walsh’s record as a DA, and the complaints that the violent crime rate was high during his time. I know that he was often criticized by police and members of the minority community for aggressively going after some cases but not aggressively going after others.

I know that Walsh Jr. opposed things like wiretaps and mandatory sentencing for crimes taking place in school zones, tough sentencing for small-time drug dealers. In that way, he presaged the whole movement to decriminalize low-level transgressions that skew to minority community incarceration. 

At the same time, Walsh Jr. did little to try to reform the system. And some thought his opposition to wire-taps and the like may have had something to do with his own reputation for a hard-living lifestyle.

Pat Walsh seemed to know he was giving this eulogy not just as a tribute to his friend and cousin but for the public record at large and he sought to defend Walsh’s legacy, and situational approach to justice. 

Pat even went so far as to draw a distinction from the more doctrinaire prosecutorial approach of state Rep. Chris Markey, another local Irish guy who at the time served as Walsh Jr.’s first assistant DA.

“Working with the New Bedford police and the State Police, he vigorously prosecuted cases that deserved to be prosecuted,” Pat Walsh said. And then added, “It took Chris Markey a long time to learn that, but he finally got it.”

The real Paul Walsh was the behind-the-scenes Paul Walsh that you folks knew, Pat told the crowd, insisting that their friend and cousin’s legacy was that he made New Bedford safer. And though Walsh Jr. was a glib and casual man, his real feelings about things ran very deep, Pat said.

The night that Sam Sutter defeated Paul Walsh Jr., Pat said he and his wife were at the Cafe Funchal as Paul was getting ready to give his concession speech. He told his wife they should leave now so they didn’t have to face Paul afterwards.

That’s the Irish way, or at least the traditional Irish way. Don’t show emotion, don’t let them know what you’re thinking, don’t let the g–damn Brits win. An Irish goodbye, as they say.

But Pat said Paul came up to him and asked him to stay a bit longer.

“Paul said: ‘Do me a favor, Pat … Would you just wait ’til I make my concession speech before you leave? I don’t want to walk out alone. Would you please walk out with me?’ And as we went to the car afterwards, he started crying.”

You could have heard a pin drop at St. Lawrence’s.  

Pat then said, “‘That’s the real Paul Walsh.’ And if the world had saw that, Sam Sutter would never have beat him. And I told Sam that two days ago, and he agreed with me.”

Sutter is presently running for Fall River mayor again, and it may have been just the kind of thing you say to a man who is grieving, but I think there was also some truth in it.

Depending on their politics, people will debate Paul Walsh Jr.’s legacy in New Bedford for a long time. Was he just another Machine guy who helped his friends but not others? Or was he a dedicated lawman, doing his best to be fair-minded?

Pat Walsh sought to cast it one way for the folks wearing green at St. Lawrence’s. Others, in the historical record, have cast it another way in the storms and controversies that occurred during Walsh’s time in office.

I don’t agree with everything in Pat Walsh’s assessment of his cousin and friend, but I’m inclined to give him the last word:

“So how will he be remembered in his hometown of New Bedford?” he asked. “I think people will say: ‘He never forgot where he came from, wherever he went to represent to us, he made us proud, and he was always our guy.’”

Email columnist Jack Spillane at [email protected].

The post Two ways of looking at DA Paul Walsh Jr.’s legacy appeared first on The New Bedford Light.


Estos son los detalles que se conocen hasta ahora sobre la boda íntima de Christian Nodal y Ángela Aguilar

La nueva pareja de la farándula internacional, Ángela Aguilar y Christian Nodal, siguen dando de qué hablar y ahora debido a la filtración de varias imágenes de su supuesta boda, este 25 de julio de 2024.

En estas se observa a la cantante mexicana usando un vestido blanco que aparenta ser encaje, semitransparente y con una amplia cola de la misma tela. El modelo de mangas largas y cuello alto también ha generado diverso comentarios.

Primero se la ve del brazo de su padre, Pepe Aguilar, en el piso pétalos de rosas rojas le hacían de alfombra. Mientras que en otra imagen ya se puede ver frente a Nodal quien usa un terno también blanco. Aparentemente la ceremonia íntima tuvo lugar este 24 de julio.

En un inicio los fanáticos asumían que se podría tratar de la grabación de un video musical en conjunto. Sin embargo, los mismos internautas se encargaron de atar cabos por la presencia de la pareja en una hacienda de Morelos, así como de otras personas quienes pueden haber sido los invitados a la boda.

Es el caso de la modelo y esposa de Marc Anthony, Nadia Ferreira, quien compartió una foto en un lugar muy similar al que se vio a la maquillista Ferggie Coll, quien se encarga de la imagen de Ángela.

También se difundió la foto de lo que habría sido el menú de la recepción que llevaba por nombre ‘Concierto comestible’, de la mano de la chef mexicana Gabriela Ruiz, quien cuenta con una estrella Michelin.

Primeras imágenes de @AngelaAguilar__ vestida de novia EXCLUSIVA

— Maria Luisa Valdes D (@MaguichaDoria) July 24, 2024



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Una publicación compartida por Maxine Woodside (@maxwoodside)

La polémica relación de Nodal

El músico Nodal lleva alrededor de dos años causando polémica debido a su relacionamiento con las también cantantes Belinda y Cazzu. Con la primera incluso estuvo comprometido, pero terminaron su noviazgo entre rumores de maltrato.

Poco después el mexicano hizo pública su relación con la argentina Cazzu, con quien tiene una niña pequeña de menos de un año de nacida. Hace aproximadamente dos meses los padres dieron a conocer sobre su separación, que según han comentado ya llevaba tiempo.

Solo semanas más tarde de anunciar la ruptura, Nodal y Aguilar socializaron que mantenían una relación y desde entonces se los ha visto juntos en casi todas sus actividades públicas, incluso han dado conciertos juntos.

The post Estos son los detalles que se conocen hasta ahora sobre la boda íntima de Christian Nodal y Ángela Aguilar appeared first on Qué Noticias.


Toddler in Thailand drowns after dog led him to pond, his grandfather kills the canine in retaliation

Grandfather fatally hits dog after blaming it grandson’s death

On Tuesday (23 July), a 2-year-old boy, Thanwa (name transliterated in Thai) reportedly drowned in a village pond in Northeast Thailand.

CCTV footage showed the boy’s family rushing out of their house to recover the boy’s body from the pond.

3Plus News reported that the boy lived with his grandfather and grandmother while his parents worked in another city.

Grandpa allegedly kills canine in retaliation

Following Thanwa’s death, his grandfather killed a dog in the village, blaming it for his grandson’s death.

According to 3Plus News, the grandpa struck the dog’s head using a piece of timber after finding out that Thanwa had followed the canine to the pond where he met his demise.

Source: Bright TV

It was unclear how the grandpa discovered that the dog had led his grandson to the pond and who the dog belonged to.

Speaking to the press, Thanwa’s grandmother said it’s believed that her grandson accidentally fell into the pond and drowned.

Grandpa to face animal cruelty charges

Watchdog Thailand Foundation (WDT), an animal welfare organisation, subsequently posted a statement expressing condolences for the boy and dog’s deaths.

grandpa dog

Source: Watchdog Thailand Foundation – WDT on Facebook

However, the foundation said it cannot overlook the grandfather’s act of killing the dog, despite the tragic events.

WDT has since “coordinated” with the police to arrest the elderly man for animal cruelty.

Also read: Man Allegedly Abuses & Throws Cats Down HDB Blocks, Faces 5 Animal Cruelty Charges

Man Allegedly Abuses & Throws Cats Down HDB Blocks, Faces 5 Animal Cruelty Charges

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Featured image adapted from Bright TV and Watchdog Thailand Foundation – WDT on Facebook.

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