Passenger stops to buy school bag for India Uber driver’s daughter after learning he can’t afford it

Passenger stops to buy school bag for India Uber driver’s daughter after learning he can’t afford it

Passenger overhears Uber driver telling wife he can’t afford daughter’s school bag, makes a stop to buy one

While on an Uber ride in India recently, a passenger overheard a phone conversation between the driver and his wife. Learning that the driver couldn’t afford a school bag for his daughter, the passenger decided to extend a helping hand.

He changed his destination to a bag store and got the exact item for the driver.

Understandably, the driver’s daughter was happy with the gift, which made the passenger’s day.

Uber driver struggling financially, can’t afford school bag for daughter

Facebook user and TEDx speaker Kiran Verma shared about his encounter with an Uber driver in India in a post on Thursday (4 April).

Source: Kiran Verma on Facebook

According to him, it all started when the Uber driver rejected several calls during the ride. Perhaps thinking that it could be important, Mr Kiran told the driver to answer the next one.

When the latter did so, Mr Kiran could vaguely hear a young girl — whom he presumed to be the driver’s daughter — on the other end of the line asking for a school bag.

She kept doing so even though the driver tried to ignore her at first, prompting him to ask the child to pass the phone to her mother.

At this point, Mr Kiran claimed he heard the driver saying: “I am trying to save a little money but can’t afford to buy a new bag at least in the next two to three days as I recently bought books for our daughter and need to pay monthly bills.”

Passenger changes destination & makes stop to buy school bag

Upon overhearing the driver’s confession to his wife, Mr Kiran changed his destination to a shop along the way.

When they arrived, he asked the driver to come with him, pretending that he needed help to carry a bulky item.

Without asking, the driver complied and tagged along, only to have Mr Kiran bring him to a bag store.

The latter quickly bought a school bag which he handed to the driver, who was speechless and could only express his utter gratitude.

To immortalise the moment, the driver requested a picture with Mr Kiran and asked for his number.

Driver’s daughter smiled after receiving gift

An hour after the encounter, Mr Kiran received a text message from the driver who sent him “a picture of his daughter smiling like an angel”.

Source: Kiran Verma on Facebook

Describing the picture as “more valuable than any money could buy”, he shared his reflection on the experience:

I don’t have words [for] how rich I feel after this. But gratitude to each and every father who never let their kids down. Even in the worst situation they are going through.

Ending his post, Mr Kiran encouraged everyone to be kind and help others in need. In his view, this would make the world beautiful.

Also read: Kind Woman Pays Bread For Cashless Helper In Boon Keng, Leaves S$30 In Her Plastic Bag

Kind Woman Pays Bread For Cashless Helper In Boon Keng, Leaves S$30 In Her Plastic Bag

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Featured image adapted from Kiran Verma on Facebook.

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