NTUC expresses dismay that Yahoo & Ninja Van retrenched staff just before May Day

NTUC expresses dismay that Yahoo & Ninja Van retrenched staff just before May Day

Yahoo & Ninja Van layoffs announced this week, NTUC says firms should considerate about timing

This week, news emerged that both Yahoo Singapore and Ninja Van were retrenching their staff.

The situation has caused the National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) to express dismay with the companies.

It took issue with the timing of the layoffs, pointing out that May Day was just around the corner.

Yahoo & Ninja Van initiated retrenchments in lead-up to May Day: NTUC

In a news release on Tuesday (30 April), NTUC noted that Yahoo and Ninja Van had initiated retrenchment exercises on Monday (29 April) and Tuesday (30 April) respectively.

These exercises were made known in the lead-up to May Day, also known as Labour Day, which is on 1 May.

May Day is a day meant to celebrate workers’ contributions towards Singapore’s economy, NTUC said.

The day is usually marked not only with a public holiday but also the May Day Rally where Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong will give a speech.

Source: Lee Hsien Loong on Facebook

NTUC says companies should be considerate about timing

Hence, NTUC expressed dismay at the timing of the retrenchment exercises.

While it’s understandable that companies must undergo restructuring from time to time, NTUC said, it added:

They should be considerate about the timing of such exercises and avoid doing exercises during such periods.

Help available for workers affected by layoffs

Though both Yahoo and Ninja Van are not unionised, NTUC’s affiliated unions will contact general branch members to support workers affected by the retrenchments.

Yahoo staff can reach out to the Creative Media and Publishing Union (CMPU) via phone at 6213 8510 or email at [email protected]. Ninja Van staff can get in touch with the Supply Chain Employees’ Union (SCEU) by calling 6213 8112 or emailing [email protected].

NTUC also said:

In the event of retrenchment, companies must ensure openness, transparency and consultation with unions and workers, and observe the guiding principles outlined in NTUC’s Fair Retrenchment Framework [24 July 2020] and the Tripartite Advisory on Managing Excess Manpower and Responsible Retrenchment.

Yahoo laying off 17 staff in Singapore

On Monday, The Edge Singapore reported that Yahoo would be laying off 17 journalists and social media executives in Singapore.

Yahoo to lay off 17 staff in S’pore as it shifts editorial strategy

Their last day of employment with the online news platform is 7 May.

In response to queries from MS News, a Yahoo spokesperson said the company was shifting its editorial strategy so that it could better align with its strategic priorities.

Ninja Van retrenches 21 staff from tech division

On Tuesday, The Edge Singapore reported that Ninja Van had announced the retrenchment of 21 staff from its tech division in Singapore.

Ninja Van announces layoffs in region, 10% of tech team affected

This translated to 10% of its regional tech team and 20% of its local tech team.

A Ninja Van Group spokesperson told The Edge that the company’s tech department has been “actively implementing cost-control measures, including infrastructural reorganisation and outsourcing”.

Also read: NTUC Disappointed By Lazada Retrenchment Exercise, Says E-Commerce Company Did Not Inform Union Beforehand

NTUC Disappointed By Lazada Retrenchment Exercise, Says E-Commerce Company Did Not Inform Union Beforehand

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Featured image from MS News and adapted from Foursquare and Ninja Van.

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