Boys Catholic monk haircut Thailand 1

Young boys get Catholic monk haircuts for church event in Thailand

Young boys in Thailand get Catholic monk haircuts

On 7 June, St Anthony Church Donmottanoi in Ratchaburi, Thailand posted photos of young boys with Catholic monk haircuts on Facebook.

Source: วัดนักบุญอันตน ดอนมดตะนอย จ.ราชบุรี on Facebook

The post received numerous negative comments initially, with some questioning whether the boys had shaved their heads willingly or were forced to do so.

However, the church quickly addressed the issue, saying the kids willingly received the haircut. They also stated that the event is part of the church’s annual celebration.

Catholic monk haircuts causes a stir on social media

The set of photos posted last Friday (7 June) showed eight young boys standing in line before a man — supposedly a priest.

Each boy’s head is shaved bald in the centre, leaving a ring of hair around the fringe to mimic the historical look of Catholic friars.

Boys Catholic monk haircut Thailand 3

Source: วัดนักบุญอันตน ดอนมดตะนอย on Facebook

The post has since gone viral. While some netizens poked fun at the unique hairstyle, others questioned if the boys shaved their heads willingly.

Thai Catholic church said the boys did so willingly

The next day, the church issued a statement addressing the concerns, stating that each child willingly received the haircut.

Boys Catholic monk haircut Thailand 3

Source: สังฆมณฑลราชบุรี on Facebook

According to the post, the haircut resembled that of the church’s patron saint — Saint Anthony of Padua.

MGR Online reported that the boys are “altar servers” and got the haircut as part of the church’s annual celebration.

Also read: Swedish footballer who played in Italian league leaves career & joins monk programme in Thailand

Swedish footballer who played in Italian league leaves career & joins monk programme in Thailand

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Featured image adapted from วัดนักบุญอันตน ดอนมดตะนอย จ.ราชบุรี on Facebook

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