Triage triumph for wildlife warriors

Triage triumph for wildlife warriors

The ball is rolling on the development of an animal triage centre locals say is “urgently needed”.

And it’s going to take a massive community effort.

The triage centre, a long-awaited project championed by local wildlife advocates, gained momentum during this year’s council election to the delight of many.

Founding member of the Logan Wildlife Association (LWA) Liz Miller said once up and running, the centre would serve as the first point of contact for injured animals before they’re taken to a hospital outside the city.

“I’m one of seven members that make up the committee of the LWA,” Ms Miller said.

“We’re all locals who have been involved in wildlife rescue and the wildlife veterinary industry for many decades, and we’ve all seen the need for a triage centre in the Logan area.

“We’re all active wildlife rescuers – we attend to things like koalas that have been hit by a car in the middle of the night or attacked by a dog – and depending on the location, it can take up to two hours to get that animal to the nearest hospital.

“Our vision is to have somewhere to initially triage these animals and get them stabilised – it’s a life and death difference for the animals.”

She said the end goal was to have a wildlife hospital in Logan.

While the proposed triage centre is waiting for approval from Logan City council, the LWA is busy raising money to help build it.

“Council has come on board – as far as finding a location at Jimboomba and building a shed for us – but we’re having to chase literally millions of dollars in grants and donations for equipment,” Ms Miller said.

“It’s really gaining momentum now.”

Ms Miller said the centre would initially be run on volunteers.

“The centre needs to be available to the public 24/7,” she said.

“So, we’re looking at around nine volunteers per day.

“We have very competent wildlife vets and vet nurses ready to go, and we’ll be looking to train volunteers within the community.”

Ms Miller said the centre was “definitely something” the community would support.

“We were asked by council to do a petition to make sure it is what the community wanted,” she said.

“It has been their most successful petition to date.

“And all the wildlife carers throughout Logan are on board and excited.”


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